Since 1978, Daniel M. Smith & Associates has been helping individuals, families and businesses guard against some key perils in life:

• Estate Planning to help maximize the orderly transfer of assets to the next generation in a tax efficient manner
• Business Succession Planning to help protect the future of the Family Business
• Retirement Planning so that we strive to not outlive our income
• Long Term Care Planning so that unforeseen illnesses or injuries do not adversely impact your Financial Plan
• Special Care Planning for families with Special Needs.


Our experienced staff and strategic relationships pledge our knowledge, our
resources and our dedication to integrity in all that we do. 

Roth IRA Conversion

This calculator can help you determine whether you should consider converting to a Roth IRA.

Taxable Equivalent Yield

Calculate the rate of return you would have to receive from a taxable investment to realize an equivalent tax-exempt yield.

Retirement Plan Early Distribution

Estimate how much would remain after paying income taxes and penalties if you took an early distribution from a retirement plan.

Loan Payoff

How much will it cost to pay off a loan over its lifetime?

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HOT TOPIC: Rescuing America’s Safety Net

This article looks at the current fiscal outlook for the Social Security and Medicare programs and presents some potential changes that might help to strengthen them.

It’s Your Money: Why Not Get Your Withholding Right?

Did you owe money at tax time or receive a large refund? This article discusses the types of situations in which taxpayers should consider adjusting their withholding.

Don’t Forget About Credit When Planning for Retirement

Credit may not be at the top of the list when it comes to retirement, but good credit can make a big difference for retirees. This article looks at some key factors that lenders consider.

HOT TOPIC: Can Productivity Keep Driving the U.S. Economy?

This article looks at the importance of productivity to the U.S. economy, possible contributing factors to the recent surge, and the prospects for an extended period of strong productivity growth.

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