Since 1978, Daniel M. Smith & Associates has been helping individuals, families and businesses guard against some key perils in life:

• Estate Planning to help maximize the orderly transfer of assets to the next generation in a tax efficient manner
• Business Succession Planning to help protect the future of the Family Business
• Retirement Planning so that we strive to not outlive our income
• Long Term Care Planning so that unforeseen illnesses or injuries do not adversely impact your Financial Plan
• Special Care Planning for families with Special Needs.


Our experienced staff and strategic relationships pledge our knowledge, our
resources and our dedication to integrity in all that we do. 

Savings Accumulation

Estimate the future value of your current savings.

Mortgage Refinancing

Determine whether you should consider refinancing your mortgage.

Net Worth

A balance sheet summarizes your assets and liabilities and reveals your net worth.

Taxable Equivalent Yield

Calculate the rate of return you would have to receive from a taxable investment to realize an equivalent tax-exempt yield.

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Bear Market Emotions: Strategy vs. Reaction

Staying disciplined in building a well-constructed portfolio over time can help carry investors through the market’s rough spots.

Individual Bonds vs. Bond Funds: What’s the Difference?

Individual bonds and bond funds can both provide an income stream, but there are important differences. This article provides an overview of these two types of investments.

Can Your Personality Influence Your Portfolio? New Research Points to Yes

The findings of two recent academic studies may offer insight into how investors can make more fruitful financial decisions.

The Federal Reserve’s Key Meeting Dates in 2024

This article outlines the Federal Reserve’s three main objectives and provides the meeting schedule of the Federal Open Market Committee.

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